Sunday, January 30, 2011

BJS051: The Social Timesuck

57:37 - So since I missed recording a segment for The Overnightscape Central's episode about Facebook, I decided to dedicate an entire episode of The Brian Jude Show to the topic! Here the story of how I first joined Facebook, courtesy of Kathryl Velvel Jones, Facebook's lack of customizability, throwing sheep, the rise of Facebook and the downfall of MySpace, high school reunion, some people don't want to talk with old high school classmantes, Alumni Group page, closer with some people now than ever before, letting bygones be bygones, getting gigs, keeping up with family, younger cousins, requests from strangers, Temple of the Jedi Order, status updates, Twitter, "Brian Jude is...," Wall vs. Profile/Info vs. Home, News Feed, using SMS to keep up, FB + Twitter = Now have to keep texts silent & always check, I ignore notifications, Gmail Priority Inbox & Facebook notifications separated, News from friends, Dawn Richie, Vanessa & Reiki, birthdays sharing photos, Jacob's albums, The Many Faces of Brian Jude, people don't like being tagged, DCT Comedy's Brooke Van Poppelen, videos, 3rd Party Apps, MP3, YouTube - Great auto function - instant embed - any web site image, no more Links page(?), notes, tagging, Events, Groups vs. Pages, "Like," Discussions, Insights, promoting DCT, DRP, the Miracle Man, the great time suck, Chat - I'm always "offline", games, Mafia, Farmville, ads are non-intrusive, quick to load, New Facebook, removed info box from sidebar, love new info page & its functionality, birthdays, friends photos, friend groups - everyone has at least 1 category - helps with mass messaging, "The Social Network," helpful for me - cast off doubts! Make someone happy with your favorite social network.

The Overnightscape Central -
My Facebook Page -
Kathryn Velvel Jones's project -
DCT Comedy: Brooke Van Poppelen "TAGGED" -

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Theme music: "The Chasing Game" by Friday's Child.

Monday, January 17, 2011

BJS050: Gratitude

41:15 - My 50th Episode! Also wishing Manny the Mailman and Wayne from Spare Time Radio congratulations on their 50th episodes on The Overnightscape Underground!

The fundrasing campaign for development funds for "The Miracle Man" is over! Did I reach my goal? Find out!

Other topics include: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Unitarian Universalism, recapping notes from other ONSUG shows, Frank's review of "The Miracle Man," Bob LeMent's car, Sheps, "inshuge," Mobigo, civil disobedience, listing the names of people who supported "The Miracle Man on IndieGoGo, shooting the plane crash in "The Miracle Man," The Secret not necessarily selfish, supporting The Esbin Family, the importance of tithing, how Missourians pronounce "Missouri," Jason Davidson, Nadia's Pastry Shop in Elmwood Park, Neal's balloon cat, gratitude.

Special appearances by Manny the Mailman and Neal from Ireland. Special music: "The Chasing Game" by Friday's Child.

The Mad Hatters:

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